Friday, 16 March 2007

Time to relax...

Yay - I've got the next 10 days off from work. I haven't had such a long break since I was off for Wimbledon fortnight last summer. I'm not going away anywhere but will be catching up with a few friends I haven't seen for a while and spending some time with my family. Tonight we have a family send off for my niece Ellie and her hubby Kamran who are about to go backpacking around the world for a year. What a fabulous opportunity! They're going to Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and ending their journey in the States in LA. I know they're going to have a wonderful time.

I'm feeling much better now - thanks everyone for your get well wishes. I think I've been unwell for most of the last month, so it's great to be feeling normal again. Andy & I went out for a walk around Brighton Marina last Sunday which I wouldn't have been able to do a few days beforehand. It was great to get out, have some exercise in the fresh air and not feel totally, utterly exhausted! The weather has been lovely this week, so I'm hoping it will be much of the same for the next 10 days whilst I'm off.

I'm onto the next column of page 4 of Snow Princess. I've found that by working in columns of 20 squares I can manage much easier. I'm about halfway through the page now so I hope that I'll finish page 4 by the end of my time off.

Andy's mum has invited us up to see her on Sunday, which is Mothering Sunday here in the UK. We're going to go out for lunch which will be lovely. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good weather so we can go out somewhere nice after.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wow! 10 days off? How wonderful - I'm jealous! I hope you get finish page 4 of your project. Also, have a great time visiting with friends and family!! :)