Thursday, 13 September 2007

Eeek - I'm a student!!

Yes, the day has finally dawned. As of tonight I will be a student once more! My CPP course starts this very evening. I'm a bit nervous about the amount of work involved, but I keep reminding myself that it is only for a year, well, only until next June/July really. I will be popping to the shops to buy some stationery supplies a little later. I have to find the right folder, paper, pens etc. I love stationery! :o)

Thank you all so much for all your kind words and wishes to Sharon & her family. They're holding it all together pretty well. The funeral is tomorrow and Sharon is going to be saying a few words to remember her mum. It will be an emotional day for all of us I'm sure.

I had all my hair cut off a couple of days ago. My niece is a talented hairdresser and does my hair at home for me (much cheaper than the salon where she works!). I usually have mid - long curly hair, but was so fed up with it when I went to see her..... she suggested having it in a bob style, but shorter at the back and slightly longer in the front. I didn't realise how short she meant until I looked in the mirror!! The back of my neck hasn't been exposed like that since I was a baby! I'm really pleased with it though. My niece made it look very sleek with her straighteners. Mine aren't that good, but it's that short at the back that it doesn't need straightening & I can do the front myself quite easily.

I haven't had a great amount of time for stitching recently, but I am VERY close to finishing the 6th page of Snow Princess, so will post a piccie once I've got there, hopefully within the next few days. Watch this space.....


Kathy said...

Oooooo good luck Sam, hope your first evening goes well for you.

I am still on my first page of Snow Princess done half a page and have started on the bottom section. Looking forward to seeing more of yours hun.

Hugs xxxx

Sally said...

Good luck Sam. I hope it all goes well for you. You're very brave becoming a student again. I don't think I could do it. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Sam! Yes, the *right* stationery is very important! lol

Well how funny - bobbed with it short at the back is exactly how I've had my hair cut too! Spooky...

Sharon said...

Kudo's to you for going back to school and good luck to you too. I just can't face it. Your haircut sounds great.

Karen said...

Isn't it amazing how a new haircut can make you feel so refreshed?? Looking forward to a picture of Snow Princess!

Hazel said...

Hope you have a great time at college! Your new haircut sounds nice. xx