Wednesday, 9 January 2008

More stitching

Here's my progress from this week's Taj SAL:

I didn't get much stitching time in after work unfortunately. I really love working on this - the silkies are sooooo soft and lovely!

I've also been stitching on my Ink Circles WIP whilst at work during my lunch break. Here is 'This Heart of Mine':

I'm hoping to finish this quite soon. Things have quietened down somewhat at work, so I actually manage to fit in all my lunch breaks now! It also helps that my stitching mojo is back and I'm lovin' it ;o)

We're receiving our second written assignment at college tomorrow. I'm really not enjoying college which I think has alot to do with our tutor. I'm just going to hang in there & do the absolute best I can.


Sharon said...

Both look great Sam! I love this heart of mine-very pretty!

Sally said...

Taj is beautiful, Sam, as is This Heart of Mine. I love the threads you're using on this. What fabby is it?

Nicola said...

Both pieces are looking good Sam. I especially love the colours on Taj.

Karoline said...

They're both gorgeous Sam, nice progress

Kathy said...

WOW Sam they both look great.

Hugs xxxxx

Edda said...

I just think the start you´ve made of Taj is absolutely stunning. I was taken by the purple colour, it is so beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing some more of Taj.

Mel in Dubai said...

Hey Sam! I love what you've done so far on Taj - gorgeous fabric.