Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Taj Tuesday

The weeks seem to be flying by! Here is my latest Taj update:

I love the gorgeous colours of the silks in this! :o)

I've just heard about the death of the actor Heath Ledger on the news which is very sad. He was a great actor and had so much more to give. My thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones.


Karoline said...

Taj is looking lovely, nice progress

Sharon said...

Lovely progress Sam! It is very sad about Heath Ledger's death. His little girl will miss having her Dad.

Toast Troll said...

Your Taj is looking very pretty! Stitching with silk is always a pleasure - can't wait to get back to my own Chatelaine project. :)

Sally said...

Taj is looking beautiful Sam. The colours are so pretty so far.

I couldn't believe it when my eldest DD came in from school yesterday and said Heath Ledger had died. It's so sad.

Hazel said...

Beautiful colours in this Sam. xx