Wednesday, 16 June 2010

More progress on The Guardian

Yes, I'm still around, honest! Just not been in a blogging frame of mind.

I've made a little more progress on The Guardian, though I have to admit that I've not stitched on this one for at least a month. Snow Princess went back on the Q-Snaps a couple of weeks ago, but it's very slow progress indeed. Never mind - Wimbledon is just around the corner and I'm very excited to be going up to Centre Court on Monday where we are in the 3rd row, right behind where the players & umpire sits... at least I think we are! Either that, or we're opposite them. We shall see. Happy stitching everyone :o)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow Sam, its gorgeous, must get mine finished for my dad, but I have a few other things to do first. Good to see you back hun

Hugs xxxxxx

Amanda said...

Wow! Guradian looks great! I'm really envious of you going to WImbledon too! I'll be watching it on TV when I can!

Aussie Stitcher said...

It is looking great Sam. Have a great time at the tennis.

Sally said...

Good to see you back Sam. Guardian is looking amazing!

Enjoy Wimbledon!

Barb said...

The Guardian looks stunning and so real. Great job so far. Look forward to seeing more of him.

Sharon said...

Beautiful progress!