Thursday, 1 March 2007

I've been a little quiet...

Sorry folks! I've had another bout of tonsilitis and the doctor also thinks I may possibly have glandular fever, so I've not been at my best really. I had to take some time off work last week but unfortunately it coincided with my boss being on holiday so I couldn't take as much time as I probably needed. I've been feeling tired all the time and my glands have been up and down and up and down. :o(

It has meant I've been doing a bit of stitching though! Unfortunately I can't even get my scanner to work now (someone obviously doesn't want me to share any pics with you!). I've stitched some more on LOTM - she has over 1 arms with her gloves and a bit more dress, but then my little Snow Princess began calling rather loudly, so I've been stitching her for the last 10 days or so, and she now has a head! Sooooo many confetti stitches, and her face is stitched from various greys and a smattering of violet but now its all stitched, her face looks lovely. I've nearly finished the 3rd page now and then will move onto the 4th page. It's my aim to eventually work my entire way across the top row l-r and then drop down to the next row and work r-l so I get a bit of polar bear face too! I'm not sure how long that is going to take me... I seem to be having a natural rotation period of about a month at the moment before wanting to move on to the next WIP. I'm hoping to stitch a bit longer on Snow Princess though as the stitches are soooo tiny, it takes a while to look as if you've made progress! Talking of which, I will endeavour to get the scanner working today and add some photos later. ;o)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Sam, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I hate being sick. Your lady of the mist is looking quite lovely.