Thursday, 8 March 2007

Progress update

At last I've managed to get the scanner working so here are my WIPs...

Mirabilia - Lady of the Mist:
I've added a pair of over 1 stitched arms, a bit of glove and a bit more dress.

HAED - Snow Princess & the Polar Bear:

The scan hasn't come out that well I'm afraid. Her face looks much lovelier IRL! Though you have to look from a slight distance to make it really work. I've stitched 3 full pages and nearly a quarter of page 4. There are 6 and a bit pages across the top of the design so I'm only just half way over... I really think that this is going to take me forever!
I'm still feeling unwell. I seem to have got my cold back & my throat is still very painful. As I said to Andy last night - I'm so fed up of feeling ill! I just want to be back to normal!!!

Spring seems to be fast approaching - the last 2 days we have had lovely bright weather. As I look out the window now, the sky is clear blue with not a cloud in sight and I can see lots of pretty little daffodils nodding in the breeze. I love springtime. Must be nearly time to do a spot of gardening... :o)


Sari (saristitching) said...

Your lady of the mist is coming so nicely!

Anonymous said...

I love both of your WIP's, they are beautiful. Sorry, you are feeling poorly, hope that will clear up soon.

Carol said...

Both of your WIPS are so beautiful!

Karoline said...

Great progress Sam, hope you feel better soon

Kim said...

I love LOTM great to see someone working on it!

Unknown said...

Your stitching is beautiful. Hope you're feeling so much better now, it's awful when sore throats linger on ...

Sending lots of hugs and good wishes your way.