Saturday, 21 April 2007

New project!

But shhhhhhh! It's a secret! :o)

(Yes, another wobbly scan I'm afraid folks... ) Isn't she adorable? What a sweet little thing she is! This is my WIP of Mirabilia's Crescent Dreams which I started on 1st April. I've converted the blue blanket to lilac and instead of blue or pink accents, I've opted for peach shades which look lovely against the lilac. Unfortunately it doesn't show up as nicely on the scan. I'm planning on adding either silver or opal beads for the stars and instead of ribbon I might make a bead rope for the dangling stars. I'm going to add baby's name and DOB too, once she makes an appearance! It's officially 5 days to go, but you know what babies are like. ;o)


Kim said...

oh it looks lovely you clever thing! my attempts at colour conversions always suck!

Carolyn said...

Your conversion is beautiful! I love this design. :)

Faith Ann said...

Looks fantastic... I love your conversion!

Name: Vicki said...

This piece is so precious! I love the color changes you made. You are doing a great job!

Lana said...

Oh! That looks wonderful! I love the conversion! Great job!

Carol said...

Aw, that's a sweet one!

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous Sam!

Ranae said...

I love the color change. I am going to do this Mirabilia for my daughter who is due oct. 1st. I just might do a color change too and the date of birth is a great idea too. Never Run with scissors, I like that. Hehe. I enjoyed your blog.

mainely stitching said...

Wobbly scan or not, this is gorgeous!!!