I've kept off the world wide web for the last few days as I didn't want to come across anything that might spoil my reading the final Harry Potter book. Well, I started it Saturday afternoon and finished it on Tuesday evening (which is very quick for me) and I have to say I'm amazed at how fantastic it is! I shouldn't be really as Rowling is a great author, but I read and read and read and didn't want to stop until I'd finished. I'm not going to mention what happens as I don't want to spoil it for anyone else, I will just say that if you've followed Harry's story thus far, you will absolutely love it. I can't wait to see how they portray it when they get to make the film.
We also loved the film. Order of the Phoenix is not my favourite book but the film was very intense and exciting. The dementors were portrayed much more as I had imagined them (the dementors in Prisoner of Azkaban looked far too much like the Nazgul from LOTR to me). There were quite a few things skipped over or missed out but the film was still well constructed & felt right. I'm looking forward to the dvd...
Not much news on the stitching front - my time has been occupied with Harry and also a visit to my cousin's near Windsor. I had a lovely weekend - I hadn't seen her for a couple of years what with one thing and another! We talked about our family history and she's given me a few more bits of info so I can add them to my vastly growing family tree. She has loaned me her huge box of old family photos (she is my only cousin on my natural father's side of the family) and I'm planning to scan them all and put them on a disc for us both. Some of them date back to the mid 1800s so are deteriorating and we don't want to lose them. How wonderful would it be to have a 'time turner' like Hermione's so I could go back and visit them!
We picked up the latest Harry Potter book in Asda on Saturday and Jess couldn't wait to start it. She finished it on Sunday and has been very good at keeping what happened to herself! I told her I don't want to know until I resd it for myself. I think I need to hide myself away for a while until I get to reading it as I'm on book 5 at the moment! I just don't get time to read with all this stitching LOL!
I'm about a third of the way through - couldn't resist starting it, although I wanted to finish Middy as well!
Now that she's done, I'm looking forward to spending all my time with Harry (oo, that sounds awful doesn't it!)
Thanks for not posting any spoilers!
Have a great time scanning all the photographs, it's wonderful to be able to preserve them through modern day technology.
I loved it too!! Is my favorite book of the series ;)
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