Monday, 17 September 2007

Snow Princess page 6 HD!

As promised, here is Snow Princess with page 6 completed:

And here is a close-up of the section I've been working on:

As you can see, I've very nearly reached the end of the top row! Just 2.5 columns to go, so hopefully I'll be having another HD very soon.

College went really well. It was mainly an introduction, doing ice-breakers and a tour of the college, but we did have a presentation by the local branch CIPD secretary which was quite interesting. We have a full day in college this Friday for a skills day, so I'm sure we'll start having to putting pen to paper then.

I had a nice day in Arundel with my sister on Saturday. We just spent time chatting, having a bite to eat and browsing around the shops. I stayed for the evening and we had wanted to get 'Blades of Glory' from the video shop, but they were all out, so instead we plumped for 'School of Rock', which I've seen before but my sis hadn't. I think she enjoyed it, but she did fall asleep..... possibly due to the wine she'd been drinking!! ;o)


Anonymous said...

Snow Princess looks amazing Sam!

Faith Ann said...

Snow Princess is going to be gorgeous... but my gosh, you must be sick of blue!

Sharon said...

Simply stunning Sam!

Paula said...

WOW it's simply stunning.....well done.
Happy stitching......

Kathy said...

Wow Sam Snow Princess looks great. I will get on with mine soon, I just have a few things to get out of the way first.

Hugs xxxxxx

Sally said...

Snow Princess looks fantastic Sam!

Kim said...

I so wish I still had the patience to work on this lol congrats its looking awesome!

Hazel said...

Oh my gosh she is looking stunning. I can't get over all that blue! Well done you! xx

Name: Vicki said...

Snow Princess is gorgeous! I'm really impressed! I don't think I could ever do anything that ambitious! I wouldn't make it through the first few rows! lol Have a great day!!

Aussie Stitcher said...

Snow princess looks wonderfull, how many pages is the pattern Sam?