Wednesday, 7 November 2007


A little bit more progress on my TW Egyptian Sampler:

I finished the Queen block and have started on the border at the bottom. I'm going to work my way around the border as much as possible.

I'm working on a commission at the moment for a friend, so will post a piccie when it is a bit more legible! It is a backstitch laden design, not my usual sort of thing, but it's not a huge piece so shouldn't take me too long.

College coursework is taking up alot of time right now & really bogging me down. There have been both tears and tantrums! We submitted our main project proposals last week & are now waiting to see whether they've been approved or not. Tomorrow we have to hand in our homework - we had to redesign a recruitment advertisement which is much more my sort of thing! Next week though we have to hand in our first written assignment which I'm dreading.....


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you were! ;)
ES looks wonderful Sam!

Karen said...

So pretty!!

Kathy said...

Oh wow thats gorgeous Sam.

Hugs xxxxx

Sally said...

Your Egyptian Sampler is looking gorgeous Sam:)

Hazel said...

That is looking quite incredible. Very detailed. xx