Sunday, 30 December 2007

Stitchy progress

Hello everyone - I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Mine was quiet, but in a nice way and I got a fair amount of stitching time in. Here's what I've been up to....

Some progress on TW's Egyptian Sampler which I've been working on for eons! I've stitched the left and top borders and stitched some of the details in the corners of the border. I was so sick of those colours by the time I finished the top border, I just couldn't face starting the final part on the right! It has been one of my new year's stitching resolutions to finish this for about the last 3 years, so I declare that 2008 is the year! I'm stitching much more frequently on it now that it's the project at my Dad's house, meaning I get to work on it weekly!

The other WIP that has been getting some attention is Titania:

2007 has been a real non-Mira year. I have 3 Mira WIPs and the only one I had picked up was Lady of the Mist which I started way back in Guilt-free January. I have fallen out of love with Miras a bit and wanted to stitch a few other projects this year. After I finished Tatty, I wanted to pick up something to work on during Dec and I noticed Titania fluttering her eyelashes at me from the WIP drawer. It was quite nice to work in large blocks of colour for a while and I do really love this one. Who knows, she may get another turn on the Q-Snaps before too much longer. ;o)

What are your stitching plans for 2008? I'm starting a Taj Mahal SAL with Gill and Kathy on 1st Jan. We will be stitching every Tuesday. Other than that, I want to stitch the 2nd row of Snow Princess and I have a couple of HAED QS's I'd like to stitch: Peridot by Meredith Dillman and Dragonfly by Jessica Galbreth. Both have such beautiful colours in. I did start Dragonfly in the summer & decided to try tent stitching using 2 strands on 32ct fabbie, but wasn't happy with the result, despite test stitching beforehand. I preferred my tent test stitching of 1 strand on 32ct but wasn't sure how well it would cover. I may try a higher count fabric using 1 strand and see how that turns out.

I'm looking forward to seeing lots more stitching from you all in 2008, so all that's left to say is have a very happy new year!


Sally said...

EG and Titania look stunning Sam!

I hope your Dad had a fantastic 75th bithday!

Kathy said...

Oh my Sam they are both stunning, your doing really well.

Hope you Dad has a great birthday hun. I still haven't finished Page 1 fof Snow Princess, it will get done one day, but I have other pressing things to stitch first lol.

Hugs xxxxx

Michelle said...

Both look great Sam. It doesn't look like EG will take too much longer.
Hope your dad had a great birthday and good to hear the staff at the dialysis unit made Christmas special for him.
Ours were quite good too on boxing day dishing out Bacon sandwiches and Panettone.:-)

Hazel said...

Your wips look great Sam! Sounds like a plan for 2008. Hope you get lots of stitchy time in.xx

Kitty said...

I'm planning to stitch Dragonfly and Butterfly on 45 count silk gauze, which has to be tent stitch *lol* if you think you can cope, that might be the way to go :)