Sunday, 9 November 2008

A quick update

Life is very hectic right now, mainly due to work. I found out earlier this week that I'm going to be made redundant as the HR teams in all the stores across the company are being restructured. There is going to be a tiny amount of HR admin hours in each store (13 in my main store), which I just can't survive on. Most duties are going to be covered by the managers and by head office. My kind employers have timed it well, if all goes to timescale, I will be made redundant the week before Christmas. Nevertheless, I am going to enjoy Christmas and look forward to a new job somewhere in the new year. As you may recall, I was looking for a new job not so long ago, so already have my CV prepared and am registered with a couple of agencies, I just need to look in earnest now.

A little more progress on The Guardian to share also:

He's coming along slowly, but I'm still really enjoying stitching this one! Have a great week everyone :o)


Tama said...

Oh, that wolf looks *nice*! I love how realistic this pattern is, and your stitching is so well-done, too!

Cindy F. said...

Wow! The Guardian is so incredible!
Good luck with your job search! I hope you find one quickly!

Rowyn said...

The Guardian is looking stunning.

Sorry to hear that you're going to be made redundant. Companies always seem to do that around Christmas time. Hope you find something soon.

Virpi said...

The Guardian looks awsome. Great job!

Karoline said...

The Guardian is looking lovely, great progress.

Good luck with the job search

Sally said...

I am so sorry you're going to made redundant Sam. What a time to do it. I hope you find a new job quickly.

The Guardian is looking fantastic!

Karen said...

I'm sorry to hear about your job, and yes, the timing is just awful. I'm sure you will find something even better soon! The Guardian looks amazing!

Kathy said...

Oh wow Guardian is looking great hun.

Sorry to hear about your job, I'm sure you'll find something bigger and better in the New Year.

Sharon said...

Sam, I hope you can find something quickly! What a bummer! Guardian looks fantastic.

Barb said...

The Guardian looks stunning so far. Can't wait to see more of him!

Kathy said...

Hope you had a great Christmas,a dn hope you have a great New Year.

Hugs xxxxx