I've been back at work for a week now and my 2 weeks off seem like a dim, distant memory :o( I've been very busy this week and have hardly managed to get a stitch in. I did take 'This Heart of Mine' to work with me to stitch during my lunchbreaks as I haven't quite got my official new lunchbreak project ready yet (I MUST sort my fabric out!), so I managed to get a bit of that done a couple of days last week. I really don't like it when I don't get much stitching time, so will have to try harder this week.
I had my meeting at college about my CPP course on Monday, which went well, and I found out by Thursday that I've been accepted onto the course and it will start on 13th September! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! It is going to be alot of hard work, lots of coursework, but I keep reminding myself that it is only for a year and I will have really achieved something by getting through it at the end of the course.
Work has been really busy this week too and I had to work an extra day to fit everything in. I ran a new staff induction yesterday for 8 people and they were the best bunch of starters I've had in ages. A couple of people were really friendly and chatty so this had a very positive effect on the rest of the group. All in all, it was a very good induction!
Last night we went out for my BIL's birthday. We went to his favourite curry house, the Jahflong, which has great food and the best onion bhajis I've ever tasted! He is going to be 60 next week - I can't believe it!! But then, all my siblings are much older than me, my eldest sister is 20 years older than me, but doesn't behave like it, infact none of my siblings do - we're all a bit eccentric when we get together. My eldest sister had bought a party box of different types of balloons. One was a 'whizzer' which was a very long, thin balloon & when you blew it up & released it, it would make this very strange whizzing noise & dive up to the ceiling like it was trying to burrow into it! By that time, there was only us and one other table of people left in the restaurant. The staff found our balloons very funny, but the other party of people didn't! Unfortunately one of the whizzers went off in their direction (hee hee!) and whizzed around this girl, making her shreik! Whoops ;o)
Hopefully we're going to see Harry Potter later on today. I can't wait to see it & also can't wait for the book next weekend. I wonder what's going to happen......
Work really puts a crimp in things doesn't it? LOL, too bad it's something we usually have to do! Great news about your course, it will fly by I'm sure. How funny about the ballons LOL and I too can not wait to see the new HP book and movie!
Isn't it funny how soon after vacation it feels like you haven't had any?
Congratulations on getting accepted into the CPP program... and good luck!!
Good luck for your course Sam. It'll be September before we know it! Help!
Sounds like you all had a great meal out!
All the best for your course! You can do it!!! xx
Good luck with your course, I'd love to do something but don't know what.....
Hope you manage to get some stitching done.
Oh and let me know what you think of the new HP film can't wait to see it. I've got my book preordered with Amazon so can't wait for it to arrive.....
Happy Stitching.
Work is so annoying! I liked the new HP film.
I hope you're doing well and not too stressed. I can't thank you enough for the words and thoughts on my blog - your support means so much.
Good luck with the course, hun! I'm sure you'll do brilliantly.
The meal out sounded fun! Betcha had so many laughs!
Got the new HP book yet?!
I hate feeling like you haven't had a holiday when you go back to work. Your meal out sounds great.
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