Sunday, 8 July 2007

Well, Blogger has decided not to let me give this post a title. Poxy Blogger! It would have been 'Yippeeeeee! The camera is back.' I've now managed to get my hands on a memory card reader and can upload my piccies that way! So first of all, here is a brand new photo of Snow Princess:

I'm about a third of the way through the 6th page now.

Next my only photo from Wimbledon on Wednesday, showing the huge black clouds approaching Court 13 when we had a 2hr rain delay! We had a great day and apart from watching a few of the great doubles matches we also saw the Duke of Kent and Daley Thompson (Olympic Decathlete) wandering about!

Here are a few other photos that I've taken recently, first of all a piccie of Andy with my Bagpuss hot water bottle!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww! I snuggle up with Bagpuss during the cold winter months but sometimes Andy 'borrows' him!

And last but not least, a couple of photos of the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth when we visited just before my birthday in October last year:

It truly is an imposing structure! I haven't been to the top yet, but plan to one of these days.

It's the Men's finals today at Wimbledon. I can't believe how quickly my 2 weeks holiday has gone! Back to work tomorrow :o( I've also got an informal meeting at college tomorrow evening for my CPP course that starts in September. Work are paying for me to do this course, which lasts a year and will give me a recognised HR/Personnel qualification afterwards. It sounds like a lot of hard work though.... I only hope there'll still be a bit of time for stitching! ;o)


Kathy said...

WOW Sam Snow Princess is looking fantastic. I amdef gonna get her out and work on her once I ahve finished the Model I am working on.

The photos look great too.


Carolyn said...

Hi Sam! I apologize for not being around to leave comments lately. I just wanted to let you know that the Snow Princess is coming along so beautifully!! :) Hope you have a wonderful week.

Susan said...

Ohh, the Snow Princess is looking so beautiful-all those blues must be driving you crazy!

Kristina said...

Snow Princess looks magnificent :)

Sally said...

Snow Princess looks fantastic Sam! I wish I was this far on Winter! Lol!

Carol said...

Hi Sam - I went to Blogger help the other day and learned how to get around the title problem - move your cursor to the uppermost left corner of the title box until you can type... it works!! It's a pain, but it works - LOL!

Sharon said...

Sam, your snow princess is beautiful!

Kelley said...

Cool photos Sam of the tower! And Snow Princess is looking regal.

Karen said...

Great pictures, and Snow Princess looks gorgeous!

Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

Hi Sam! It's my turn to catch up LOL. I really love your little birdies and Snow Princess is looking great. You have enabled me though, I'm going to have to go look up the Ink Circles design, I adore hearts.. thanks! =p Also, you asked how big Reese is likely to get? I honestly don't know, her parents were 8 lbs each, however they can get up to 17 lbs I think? I hope she stays little LOL. Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

Aussie Stitcher said...

Snow Princess is looking great Sam.


catandturtle said...

Cool pics. Your HAED piece is stunning. Ann.